A Dark, but not Scary Fall Front Porch!

This fall I was having a bit of Decorator's Block. It's kind of like a Writers Block, but only for decorating. It was the end of September and I wanted to decorate for Halloween, but I also wanted to wait until October 1st before the Scary stuff came out. Here is a quick look at how I merged a late fall look that could easily go Dark for Halloween. Here come the Pumpkins... Fall colors for me are...

Our Summer Patio and Yard

The Summer is over, and the Fall is here. But I have so many photos of how lovely our yard looked this year. I thought today it would be fun if I shared a few of my favorites. We had such lovely weather all summer that we were able to really enjoy it. We had a couple of parties, had about half of our meals on the patio, and started countless days in the yard with a cup of coffee. You should be...

Paint is a Wonder! An old stool makeover with a can of paint.

Old stuff- I love it! Worn, used, and loved. But sometimes an old item needs a new life. I am here to show you a stool that I bought at an Estate sale for just a couple of dollars that got a new life with a new coat of paint. Here is my vintage, or just plain old step stool. He had a few paint drips here and there. Both steps were a bit rusty and the legs were rusty too at the feet. He was still...

When you find that Antique Unicorn you never thought you’d find!

Hi friends :) I got a couple of questions for you. Do you go thrifting? or Resale shopping? Charity shops? What about Antiquing? Junkin'? Flea Markets? Can you be found at an Estate or Garage sales? Church sales? Do you look online? Craigslist? It makes no matter how you shop. I love it all, and have done all of the above! Glad to know that your one of my people. So, When you're out and about...

A Quick Peek at the Patio, and new to me Thrifted Chairs

Hi there! I am so glad you're here! Today, I have for you a super quick sneak peek at our back patio. It is far from done, and I have lots of plans to complete it. But for today, here is where we are. The last couple of years that we have lived here in our little rental house, I have decorated with lot of different colors. Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, White, Black,... a lot of colors. This...

A Boho Spring Dining Tablescape

I am loving the whole Bohemian Farmhouse look right now. Lots of texture, and neutrals. With paisleys and chevrons and other fun patterns thrown in. So much to love! Here a is a look at our Easter dinner table. It has a nice mix of all of the above- boho, farmhouse, texture, neutrals, paisleys, and chevrons. I really love how it turned out, get ready for a photo overload! It was just the four of...

What I have learned with Our Etsy Shop

Hi, Thanks for stopping by! I have been working on our Etsy shop for two months now. Bridgehill 5 and Dime It has become a regular part of my everyday. I look forward to checking out the shop, and posting new items, and of course selling and sending out the sales. As of today we have had 21 sales, and 8 people have made our shop one of their favorites. A small start sure, but Small changes can...

Pretty Shelves in the Dining Room

Hi There! Sorry, I have been gone so long. I have been busy. Work, life, etc. Enough said, we have all been there. So, today I am back with a quick look at the Odd built-in the Dining room. This odd little built in has 4" deep shelves, so not much will fit for decorating. But this is the little spot that I change up for the seasons, or when I am just bored. I do believe at one point, these...

Hey, Guess What? We Opened a Etsy Shop!

2017 is the year to make dreams come true! I have had a hard couple of years, financially that is. Getting divorced was the best decision for me, and the worst for my pocketbook. My advice? Don't get married. And always keep your money separate. Life lesson learned. But we are not looking back anymore! We are moving forward, and this Blog is Step One. Step Two? Etsy Shop! Bridgehill 5 and Dime...

Simple Valentine’s Decor for those who don’t like Red!

Sometimes you want to decorate for an upcoming holiday, but you might not care for the traditional color associated with it. That is how I feel about the color Red. I am much more of a blue and gray and black and green and purple girl. I mean, Red is fine. In fact, I decorated the front porch with some red for the Christmas holiday. It is just not my favorite color. I did want to decorate a bit...