ORC: Week 5- Let’s talk Budget!

**(There are some links in this article that are affiliate links and if you click on them I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you – thank you so much for your support!)** Taking one step closer to see if I can get this blogging thing going- I am taking part in a blogger challenge- The One Room Challenge. What is the ORC, you ask? It is a six-week design challenge featuring 20...

A New to Me Kitchen Cabinet!- a Thrifted Makeover

I love quirky old furniture. We found this cool cabinet about an hour before an Estate sale was scheduled to close. They were giving a 50% discount on all of the marked prices. They wanted to clean out that house and have the rest of the stuff go! We got a few small items from inside the house and then saw this cabinet in the garage for $30! We paid and went home to get the van. I love a good...

Rustic Winter Cabin Front Porch

Hello There! It's a New Year and I have so much planned. I have a few things that I am working on for the Etsy shop and a few more things for here on the blog. I'm am pretty excited and can't wait to share it with you all. But until I can reveal what I'm working on, how about a look at the Front Porch? I wanted a Rustic Winter Cabin type of feel for the porch this time around. A very masculine...

Late Fall Front Porch Decor 2017

Hi There! I thought that I would jump on and post before December hit. The month of November has flown for me, and I did not get up on here at all. How did that happen? If you would like to see more from me, and on a more regular basis, Follow me on Instagram! Where I post almost everyday, and sometimes twice ;) Here is our Front Porch all decorated for the Fall. Fall, I think I will miss you...

A Dark, but not Scary Fall Front Porch!

This fall I was having a bit of Decorator's Block. It's kind of like a Writers Block, but only for decorating. It was the end of September and I wanted to decorate for Halloween, but I also wanted to wait until October 1st before the Scary stuff came out. Here is a quick look at how I merged a late fall look that could easily go Dark for Halloween. Here come the Pumpkins... Fall colors for me are...

Pretty Outdoor Spaces

I take lots of photos. I take photos of pretty little vignette and spaces around the house and yard that I haver decorated. It fuels my creative side. The decorating, and then the photo taking. More and more I am trying to do the things that make me happy, and it makes me happy. But now what? Well, I collected a few of my favorite photos from the summer to show you. All together they don't tell a...

Our Summer Patio and Yard

The Summer is over, and the Fall is here. But I have so many photos of how lovely our yard looked this year. I thought today it would be fun if I shared a few of my favorites. We had such lovely weather all summer that we were able to really enjoy it. We had a couple of parties, had about half of our meals on the patio, and started countless days in the yard with a cup of coffee. You should be...

Paint is a Wonder! An old stool makeover with a can of paint.

Old stuff- I love it! Worn, used, and loved. But sometimes an old item needs a new life. I am here to show you a stool that I bought at an Estate sale for just a couple of dollars that got a new life with a new coat of paint. Here is my vintage, or just plain old step stool. He had a few paint drips here and there. Both steps were a bit rusty and the legs were rusty too at the feet. He was still...

When you find that Antique Unicorn you never thought you’d find!

Hi friends :) I got a couple of questions for you. Do you go thrifting? or Resale shopping? Charity shops? What about Antiquing? Junkin'? Flea Markets? Can you be found at an Estate or Garage sales? Church sales? Do you look online? Craigslist? It makes no matter how you shop. I love it all, and have done all of the above! Glad to know that your one of my people. So, When you're out and about...

Happy Memorial Day to you!

Hi There! Happy Memorial Day to you! And a huge Thanks to all that served for all of us. On this day I am giving you a quick look from 2015 and 2016, when I decorated the Front Porch for the 4th of July. Pretty Patriotic Decor, with Lots of Red, White and Blue! Bright Blue pots with Red flowers and leaves. A Red Vintage kitchen stool, a blue step stool, a wicker basket, and silver lanterns. These...