4th of July Front Porch

Hi There!
It has been awhile, I know. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing projects or decorating.
So, lets jump right in! Here are way too many photos of my 4th of July front porch decor.


This was all put together in about an hour. Everything was already on hand in the garage or basement.
Sometimes decorating is about finding the right mix if items.
Using things you love- in new and unexpected ways.


I love these Galvanized candle holders, they are from Ikea.
I used the metal as the “white” in my Red, White and Blue color story.


I had this large blue pot of flowers on the back patio, and I moved them up here. The colors are perfect for the holiday decor. Even with the Yellow in the mix.
These were one of those “filler” mixed plants that you can buy at Lowes or Home Depot, and put in one of your own pots.
I love that! Takes out all of the hard work.


This Red stool, used to be blue, and most likely will be blue again. I painted it last fall- the red, and I have not liked it very much. But I love it here!


I added this “star” candle holder. It is an unexpected star shape- that I love.


I got 3 of these pinwheels at Target in the Dollar spot. I love all the cute stuff you can find.


I think the picnic baskets add to the Summer feel of the porch.


I think the Red and Blues work so well with the metals and wood tones.
It’s 4th of July decor, without looking too decorated.
If I took away the Flag items, it would just be pretty.
You know?


Another candle holder and a small glass bottle with dollar spot flags.


I love these Blue glazed pots. I buy them when ever I can find them on the cheap.


This blue pot I pulled out of someones garbage. It was a light blue, that I spray painted Navy blue


This Ivy plant is getting so big. So awesome!


I love all the different heights of all the things on the porch. It gives your eye somewhere to travel.


We are still renting this cute little house. I am not in love with all of the “Brown” on the house. But I do love how everything “pops” against the brown background.



All of these things have been used on the porch before. It is so nice to have items you love, and mix them up in new ways for new looks.


The cute Flag banner is from the dollar spot at Target as well. It was one of the $3 deals they have. I like they have two different quality of items there, and the two different prices to match. It is so nice on the budget.



Well, what do you think?
I hope you enjoyed checking out my 4th of July porch!
Thanks for stopping by!