Our Summer Patio and Yard

The Summer is over, and the Fall is here. But I have so many photos of how lovely our yard looked this year. I thought today it would be fun if I shared a few of my favorites. We had such lovely weather all summer that we were able to really enjoy it. We had a couple of parties, had about half of our meals on the patio, and started countless days in the yard with a cup of coffee. You should be...

Paint is a Wonder! An old stool makeover with a can of paint.

Old stuff- I love it! Worn, used, and loved. But sometimes an old item needs a new life. I am here to show you a stool that I bought at an Estate sale for just a couple of dollars that got a new life with a new coat of paint. Here is my vintage, or just plain old step stool. He had a few paint drips here and there. Both steps were a bit rusty and the legs were rusty too at the feet. He was still...

When you find that Antique Unicorn you never thought you’d find!

Hi friends :) I got a couple of questions for you. Do you go thrifting? or Resale shopping? Charity shops? What about Antiquing? Junkin'? Flea Markets? Can you be found at an Estate or Garage sales? Church sales? Do you look online? Craigslist? It makes no matter how you shop. I love it all, and have done all of the above! Glad to know that your one of my people. So, When you're out and about...

DIY Crafts: My Sashiko and Shibori Pillow Covers

Sashiko is a form of decorative reinforcement stitching or functional embroidery from Japan. White cotton thread on the traditional indigo blue cloth gives Sashiko its distinctive appearance. Shibori is a Japanese dye technique that typically involves folding, twisting or bunching cloth and binding it, then dye the fabric in indigo. I have been looking at Sashiko and Shibori how to tutorials...

What I learned from an Instagram Photo a Day Challenge

Sometimes, even creative people need a little push!!! I started Instagram earlier this year. I started so that I could follow some of my favorite bloggers. From what they were writing and posting, it seemed they were spending time and energy on this little app and I wanted to find out why! It was a slow learning process. I think I may even have started out doing everything wrong, and I almost...

A Super Simple DIY(ish) Potting Bench

Hello There! I've decided to put in some more time here. My plan is to post at least 3 to 4 times a week. In order for me to make this a success, I will need to do the work. Makes sense, right? Let's get to it ;)   At the start of the summer, I had a half day of work. I was at home alone and puttering around the yard. The weather was nice and we had just gotten some annuals for the patio. I...

A How To Propagate Succulents, So easy…

Hello. Happy Fall. I haven't been around, so lets just jump right in!   I had this succulent that was getting really tall and leggy. So tall, that it was falling over the side of the planter it was in. He was also growing Flower/ Plant babies off his trunk and out of his roots. I researched and found out that succulents will do that because they are not getting enough sun. Well baby, we live...