How do you style an odd little built in?

Okay, I am not sure how you would style it. And I would be curious to know, but here is what I did. As you may remember I had this odd little built in, in the dining room. It was plain and boring, so I put some wrapping paper on the back wall to give it some interest. I still love the pattern it gives. As you can probably tell, I love blues, greens, black, white, and silver. Puente and I...

Quick cute window coverings

Hey Kids, I know I haven't posted in a while. The winter has been bad, which I know everyone already knows. But I have had a real hard time getting motivated. I have done projects, and taken photos, just have not felt like posting. I want to thank everyone for waiting. I have a few things to show you that I did this winter, and quite a few things in the works. I can't wait to show you, so here we...