Your Dogs have their Own Room?

Yes, they do. Well, they did.
At my old house, the dog crates were in the kitchen. In this house the kitchen is too small for that. 
We have this small bedroom, with two doors. One goes to the stairs to the basement and the back door. And the other door goes to the hall by the living room. It is a small room.
We are renting this house, so I put the dogs in this room. And my Son in the basement. He is an older teenager, and wanted to be in the basement anyway. I had a bedroom in the basement growing up, so I said it was fine, go for it. I thought it was okay, what did I know?
Well, as I have said we are renting. And the City does not think it’s fine. So, the dogs had to move to the basement, and the Son moved upstairs to this bedroom. But before anyone moved, I took photos. 
This was during nap time, so the dogs were pissed I was in there making noise.
They each have a crate, we can’t trust them to be out on their own if we are not home. The black and white dog likes to chew things up. 
Rugs on the floor to protect the hardwood floors. The door on the right goes to the back porch, and back yard and patio.
Everyone needs Art in their room, even the Dogs. On the bottom and on the left are two paper collages that Puente and I made. The blue and purple one hung in his apartment, and then in my sewing room at the old house. The multi-colored one we made for the old house, when we were staging it to sell. I wanted a piece of Art that was graphic and bright.
The three small mirrors we got at a thrift store. They are the un-finished kind you can get at Ikea. They have old stamps decoupaged to the frames. They were $1 each. I didn’t do the work, but loved the look.

I have had this glass door cabinet for years. I love the shape and color of the wood. It is very warm.
At the old house it sat in the corner of the dining room for years, and then at the top of the stairs in a hallway. It held pottery and dishes. Now it holds office supplies. Pens, markers, post it notes, envelopes, tape, etc, etc…
That cream pattern rectangle at the bottom of the door? Well, the dogs were chasing each other around the dining table at the old house and broke a pane of the glass. I covered a piece of foam core board with fabric I had to cover it, just until I could get it fixed. That was more than 7 years ago. 
It’s very high on the list of priorities 😉

This is Spike. He is galvanized metal, and a candle holder. I love him. But I would never put a candle in a dog that still has his balls! Every dogs room needs a dog, right?
The cactus were at the old house in the kitchen. I don’t really have room for them now, they have grown so big. They may be going out to the compost soon. Don’t tell them.

The door on the right goes to the hall and Living room.
The pie safe is a reproduction. A local man made the pie safe and the glass door cabinet above. Again, great color and shape, classic. It holds all of our plastic storage containers for food. In a small house, you use what storage you have. And its pretty too.
The cactus on the left is “My Big Boy Steve”. I love that plant. I have had him more than 8 years, and he has grown so much. I do really well with cactus and succulents. I kill other house plants. 

Another paper collage Puente and I made. I did a purple paint wash over this one. It was looking too sweet before and I wanted to darken its mood a bit. Its a big piece of art, 3’x5′. 
This photo shows the punched tin of the doors of the pie safe. I love the star pattern. 
The light blue ice bucket on the left holds dog treats. The red tin hold dog food. Which is funny to me, because it has logos from a fish company on it. The turquoise basket holds leashes and collars for the dogs.

This is not a pretty shot of the room, but you can see how we stored a lot of our kitchen pots and pans. And small kitchen appliances. The bookcase was in the guest room of the old house, it held kids books. Here it holds everything we need but don’t have room for in the kitchen.
I made the curtains. Simple turquoise calico fabric and a $4 rod from Target. The red stool used to be blue and on the front porch. It doesn’t really have a home, it keeps moving around the house.  And Steve is sitting on a green stool. I love all these colors together. So happy and fun.

A necessary place for storage. Not a mess, or ugly, just not pretty. But its the dogs room, right?

I got this mirror at a garage sale for $1. That lady wanted it gone! It was dirty and dull gold-brass. She hated it. I loved the shape, so I took it home. I cleaned it up and painted it purple. 

They look cute and sweet, don’t they? They deserved a cool bedroom.
What does the room like now that my Son has moved in? 
That is for another day, and another posting.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂