The $3 Five Minute Unconventional DIY Wreath

Today, I have a super quick 5 minute Unconventional DIY Wreath that only cost me $3. It’s almost embarrassing how easy this DIY is, but that’s why I want to share it with you. It’s important for me to share projects big or small that anyone can attain. That’s what I love about reading other home decor blogs, and I hope that is why you have come to my blog too. Let’s jump right in!

I found this super cute Floral and Silver metal Tray at Target in the front dollar spot section. I first saw a White one, that was all Farmhouse lovely. While checking out all that they had new in the dollar section- with the White one in my hand I then spotted this Silver one stacked in the back behind the White trays. I picked it up, saw the floral pattern and I knew it was the Tray for me!

I love galvanized metal and this tray would be a nice addition to my collection.

After bringing the tray home for a couple of days I knew I needed to do something with it to show off the floral design. I had tried having it on the coffee table but we kept throwing stuff in it and that covered up the flowers. I couldn’t have that! I should display the tray somewhere so we could see the pretty flowers. But where?

While cleaning up the living room, I was holding the tray and really looked at the details to the side of the tray. I thought that I could wrap something around it, and it would stay since the bottom had that rim. So I grabbed a ball of twine and did just that! Holding one end of the twine I wrapped the outside of the tray 6 or 7 times and did a simple knot to finish. So easy! and Quick too.

Next, I needed a “hanger” for the tray, I wrapped more twine around my hand to make a loop. Then I cut another piece of twine to tie the loop to the wrapped twine on the top of the tray. Now to trim all of the ends different lengths just for fun and to add the unexpected detail. The tray was ready to hang!

Where to hang my new creation? I thought about on the wall in our dining room, but I then walked to the front door and replaced the wreath that was there. And I love it! It is so unexpected, and quick and simple to do! It was really only about 5 minutes, and that included getting the twine and scissors!

It’s so bright and colorful, just as any front door wreath should be. It is also very lightweight- so it does move and bang on the door a bit when we go in and out. I solved that problem by putting a couple of magnets on the back of the tray/ wreath to give it a bit of weight. Now it doesn’t move around as much.

I hope that I have given you a bit of inspiration, and shown you that anyone could do it! Sometimes we just need to look at things in a different way- use them in unexpected places. How boring would it be if we were all the same?

Check another simple and cheap DIY here -99 cents DIY Skull Art


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