Succulents in Glass Jars- Year Two

Hi There!
I love plants. I love flowers. I love putting plants and flowers in my outdoor spaces.
So, here are way too many photos of my succulents in glass containers.
I love them all, they are all too pretty.
I gathered all the plants together on the back patio, for a little photo shoot.
They are not here all the time.
I am in the middle of repainting this table. It is not done, or at least it does not feel done to me. I am not sure what else I am going to do, at least not just yet. Stayed tuned.


I love this 6 sided glass and mirror planter. It is so 70’s to me! Only $1 thrifted.


This little guy is too cool, he looks like peas spilling out of the jar.


I got this large jar last year, but all of these plants are new.
I used dollar store blue glass rocks, and a blue mix of pebbles that are used for Fish aquariums.


Here is another small 6 sided container, I got this one thrifting last year. $1 again.


This container is from last year. These two plants lasted, but the third one died.




These two guys again from last year, they lasted all winter long in the front window of the Living room.
Then when I brought them outside, they got even bigger.


This year I put color glass rocks and dark black rocks on top of the soil.


The green of the leaves looks so pretty against the black rocks.
I love the shiny blue rocks mixed in.


I found this second large jar at a thrift store for $3.50. I just love these glass jars, but new they are more than I want to spend.


Look at all that lovely moss. It grew there on its own, I did nothing special for it.
My favorite kind of gardening.


I love this plant, it doesn’t look like a succulent.


In this container, I used green glass rocks and some green sea glass too.


There is a bit of dried moss in each of the containers too.
It just adds a bit more texture.


I love the reflection in the mirror.


Just too cute. This spice jar has the flat side for it to sit like this.
If the vines get too long, I can stand it on the bottom instead.
This little guy is so pretty with the flower. I just love this little Ball jar, too cute.
Well, there you have some photos of Succulents in Glass jars.
You know what?
I have even more in ceramic pots as well. I may have a problem.
Anyone know of a program? Just kidding!
Thanks for stopping by!