Scrap Fabric DIY Art- You can do it too!!!

A have a wonderful friend who loves to sew. She often will give me scrap pieces of fabric. I have used them to patch jeans, and many other crafts. My friend knows how much I love Sugar Skulls, so she gave me a couple of pieces of this fantastic fabric. The same day that I made the 99 cent Art piece, I made this quick project too! This is a project so easy, that I know you can do it too!

For this project you will need:

  • a craft canvas- mine was thrifted and painted black
  • piece of fabric- big enough to cover the canvas, with extra to pull to the back frame
  • scissors
  • stapler
  • mallet or hammer (optional)


I often buy canvases at thrift stores. They have usually already been painted, and for me that is ok! I just wash them down with soap and water, and then paint over whatever is on them. It takes a little bit of time, but if I can get a canvas for $1 or less- I will put in the time 😉

This canvas is an 8 x 10, and I got it for 50 cents I think. A few months ago, I painted a bunch of thrifted canvases all at once to use for crafting later. I was out of primer, so I used some left over black paint. It was really nice to have a canvas already to go. The biggest scrap piece of sugar skull fabric was more than big enough to cover the 8 x 10 canvas on all four sides.


Alright, lets get the fabric on that canvas! Start on the top of the canvas, making sure the fabric’s pattern is centered. Secure the fabric with the stapler every couple of inches.


If your staples don’t go as flush into the wood frame as you would like, use a mallet or hammer to even them out.


Work all four sides, pulling the fabric tight to secure to the frame with the stapler. Leave the corners for the end. I like to pull the corner fabric to the center of the canvas, and secure with more staples. Use the mallet or hammer again if necessary.


Here is another view of a corner pulled tight and stapled.


All four sides complete and corners finished! It looks a little messy, but good.


Trim all the extra fabric away with the scissors and discard. Now it’s a bit tidier 🙂


Here is the Scrap Fabric Art completed, and on my gallery wall shelf. I really like how it came out. It is such a fun accent piece for my Halloween decorating. And the cost was a free piece of fabric and a 50 cent canvas. I think just about everyone can afford that.


A cute close up of the fabric, since for most of this post it has been upside down. My favorite is the Man and Woman in the center, and I love the large flowers too.



Just another quick Halloween craft project, but really you could use any fabric for any season. Think of all the cute Christmas fabric you could cover a canvas with. Let me know if you try this project on your own. Because, I know you can do it too!!!

