Looking for Beauty in the Clouds


I don’t want this to be one of those postings, but bare with me.

I mentioned a few postings ago that I have been having a hard time lately. Life and situations have been very overwhelming at times. I have felt that nothing is in my control. That no matter how much I try, or how much I do to change situations, there will always be those people in your life who will bring you down. They will make you doubt everything. They will make you doubt yourself.

And then, sometimes the universe will send you help.

You will read from not one, but three of your favorite bloggers that have also been having a hard time. Each will have written something very similar to what you have been feeling, and they will remind you that it is okay to feel the feelings that you have. That it is okay to be sad, or mad, and that no one can tell you not to feel that way.

When I feel this way, I call it being in the Clouds. It is not dark, but not light either. It can seem that you can’t see too far ahead of you. That you’re stuck where you are, because it is not safe to go any farther. You’re in the Clouds.

I need to get out. I need to go forward. I need to make the big scary change.

Now, may be my time.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks for being there.

Thanks for sending me what I needed.

