I can see Red, again!

What is with the color Red lately?

 I never used to like it. Not at all. I have always been a Blue, Green, Black, Gray, or Purple kind of a girl. The cool colors on that side of the color wheel. Do you remember that from junior high art class? Anyway, I have in the past liked some Pinks and a few Yellows. But never Red. Now I am using it more and more. It can be so warm, and inviting and can also act like a neutral if used right.

When we got the new couch, I wanted the white slipcover. And I LOVE it. But it shows every bit of dirt and dust. Which surprised me, I have the yellow love-seats, which are pretty light in color. People have seen them and thought they were white. I would wash them every 3 months or so, but I didn’t see dust. I hate dust.

I decided that we needed another slipcover for the couch. That way when I took one off for washing, I could put the second one on right then. A nice rotation, where no one cover would get used too much. All the way to the store I had in my mind we were getting another white slipcover.  Or maybe the sand color one. A neutral.
We got to the store and went to the showroom to look at the options. I still thought white or sand. They were the cheaper options, and what we already had. But Puente kept holding the Red. We just kept going back to the Red. Would red work? Red could be fun.

We continued shopping. I got new throw pillow covers. This stripe one above has Orange and Pink stripes but no Red. I put it in the cart anyway, still not sure what color slipcover we were getting.

Then we got to the slipcovers. And there she was, the Red. Puente wanted the red. So I took the leap, and put her in the cart. And I just knew it was the right choice. I could feel it. I was giddy all the way home. I said a couple of times, I can’t believe we got the Red!

I am so glad we did. I LOVE it even more than the white. It is so pretty, and you can’t see the dust!
What color would you have gotten? Another white? Or do you like the red too?