Found Makeover- Cement Flower Pot

Hi There!
Are you ready for too many photos? I hope so.
We were out on a Saturday afternoon, and drove by a house that had a garage sale earlier in the day.
They had left many items by the curb that didn’t sell. Free for the taking? Yes please!
I pulled over and took a look, I found this cement flower pot and some pillows.
The pillows need to be put in the wash, but what about the pot?
I decided to give the flower pot a quick makeover.
I am not sure if this was made over before or not. It could have been white, and then black.
Or the white could just be the base, and the black was the finish that is wearing away.
In any case, it was time for the bad white and black finish to change.


I just love the texture! Lots of nooks and crannies to play with.


I got out three different shades of blue craft paint, and a cheap paint brush.


I always have cardboard around for projects. This was used when spray painting another project red.
I poured the craft paint right on the cardboard and dipped in the brush.


The dark cobalt blue is the base coat, I will build up from there.


Here is the finished base coat of paint. I made sure to get the paint in all of the crevices.


Then I poured the gray blue, and the light blue to mix in with the dark blue.
I just dip the brush tip in the three colors, you don’t mix the colors on the cardboard.


I mix the paint colors on the pot.


Dip and dab the paint in a random pattern.


Continue until the whole pot is covered, then you can go back and fill in spots with any of the colors.
Just play with it, until you like the way it looks.


You then get a mottled mix of colors.


Pretty? I think so!


The texture of the pot, and the mottled paint finish really work together.


I really like this photo of the Geranium in the pot.
The hot pink color of the petals, and the green leaves look great in the blue pot.


All of the blues of the paints are mixed, and yet you can still see that I used three different colors.
Cool, huh?


I really like this photo too.
The painted cement pot, the mosaic glass candle holder, and the rusted/ paint splattered step stool.
All of those textures, and colors work so well together.


It was a quick makeover, with too many photos.
What do you think?
Have you picked up something by the side of the road before?
Will you now?
Let me know, I want to see.
Thanks for stopping by!