It’s time for another Sweet Moda Link Up with my friends Ashlee of Sweet Southern Oaks and Liz of Living with Liz!
This time around we’re going out thrifting to decorate our homes.

When Ashlee suggested that we each share something about thrifting for our next project together, I was super excited! As you know I love decorating on a budget. By using second-hand finds you can make your decorating budget go so much farther. Using vintage home decor can add that little bit of age and character to your vignettes. Mixing old and new gives your home a unique look that is all your own style.
Let’s go Shopping!!!

As a young girl, there was a neighbor that lived down our street that had a garage sale every summer. And I was fascinated! They had all of these tables that they would set up in their garage and driveway that were filled with fun little treasures. The neighbor would sell them to me for 25 cents! I don’t remember if that is what they were priced, but she was always letting me have fun items for just a quarter. When you’re 8 or 9 years old you can easily afford a quarter!

As a teenager, I went thrifting with friends to find vintage clothes and accessories to wear. Old hats and purses were favorites. As well as men’s sweaters, shirts, ties, and jackets. Rhinestone jewelry was an obsession of mine and my collection grew!
It was the ’80s- so think of me dressed like Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink and you’ll get the picture 😉 I even had a perm. Boy- those ’80s were fun!
Garage Sale-ing is my favorite sport

Once I became an adult going to garage sales and thrift stores became a way to furnish my home on a budget. It has always been my way to try out home decor trends and stay on a tight budget. And it has been such a money saver!
I also love hosting my own garage sales. Once I am over a trend or have replaced an item I turn around and sell it in my own driveway. I have saved money at the start, then make some money back to go and thrift again!
I wrote about my tips in having your own sale here in this post- Garage Sales- how I like to have them!
Bridgehill 5 and Dime

Then about 8 years ago I started going to estate sales. The furniture and homewares were amazing. Full collections for sale- not just one piece at a time. So I started collecting even more items because the prices were too good to pass up! It is so fun and we’re keeping those items out of the landfill.
But what happens when you find so many great vintage items that your storage starts to overflow and you don’t want to give them away for just a quarter in your driveway? You up your game and open an Etsy shop- Bridgehill 5 and Dime
I wrote about opening our Etsy shop this post- Hey Guess what? We opened an Etsy Shop
After the shop had been open for a little while I wrote about how it was going in this post- What I have learned from our Etsy shop
Grow that business!

Then in the summer of 2018, we started taking our little Etsy shop on the road! We applied and were approved for a couple of traveling vintage style markets. We had no idea what we were doing in the beginning, but after every market, we talk about what worked and what didn’t. It has been so rewarding to work for ourselves. It’s a ton of work- but it is really so fun too! We have met some amazing people along the way- customers and other market vendors have become friends.

Follow Bridgehill 5 and Dime:
And our own dot com site-

I hope that I have inspired you a little to go out there thrifting! It can take some time and patience, but you will be amazed at what you can find.
Tag me on Instagram with any of your thrifting adventure finds! I would love to see them. Follow me at @jackiecantblog
Let’s See where Ashlee has been up to

Ashlee of Sweet Southern Oaks and her husband went to the Longest Garage sale and she’s showing us all that she found. Be sure and go and see her post- The World’s Longest Garage Sale: Pickin’ Adventures
Be sure and follow Ashlee on Instagram to see all her cozy farmhouse decor- @sweetsouthernaoks
Liz has been upcycling her thrifted finds

Liz of Living with Liz has been thrifting and upcycling her finds. Go and see how she made this nightstand over to fit her needs in her post- Night Stand Upcycle
Be a friend to Liz and follow her on Instagram to see her cool eclectic style- @livingwithliz
Thanks for thrifting with me and the ladies! Please be sure and tag any of us with your thrifted treasures on Instagram. We would love to see them!

You have such cool finds in your etsy shop! This makes me want to do way more thrifting/estate sale shopping!
Wow! You have the best collection of treasures! I’m loving that blue and yellow/brownish retro glassware!