The Chairs I have been dreaming of…

Hi There!
Have you been wanting something, that you never thought you would find?
Sure you could buy it new, and spend some cash. But you are really trying to save some money.
So you wait, and you watch, and you hope.
And then it happens…
You are looking at the Craigslist garage sale ads, and there they are.
The Chairs you have been dreaming of. At a price you can’t believe.
You’re still in your p.j.’s, and it is 7:00 am, and they don’t open until 9:00 am.
Do you go over anyway?

Yes, you do.

As you pull up, they are still pulling things from the house. They see you.
You get out of the car, and say…
” I am so sorry. I know you are not open yet, but I saw your chairs online. And I really want them. “
” I swear, I’m not crazy. Well, maybe a little. “
To your surprise, they are open to you being there so early. You buy the chairs and a vintage suitcase.
You are home by 7:45am.
That is the best garage sale victory! And still in your p.j.’s, with the whole day ahead of you. Score!


Now, these chairs needed some work. They had lots of rust, and a peeling metal/paint finish.


But at this unbelievable price, I was going to be making these mine!
And I could invest in 8 cans of good ( read- expensive ) spray paint.
But the math is too easy, even with expensive paint!
$30/4= $7.50 garage sale cost per chair,
plus 2 cans of paint for each chair at $6 each
$7.50 + $12 = $19.50 total per chair
I don’t think you can buy these new at that price!


The owners said they used them outdoors, under a tree.
So, they also had some weird stains.
I scrubbed them down, and sanded the rough rust spots with some fine grit sandpaper.
Then after two coats of Rust-oleum Hammered Gray spray paint, everything changed…


This chair looks beautiful! And a little sexy.
Just what I was wanting…


What I love about this spray paint is that it can hide some of the metal’s imperfections.
The paint has a slightly bumpy feel to the surface. Hence, the Hammered finish.
When painting you have to go really slow and take your time.
If you overspray, it can drip for sure. But it also gets darker in color and becomes more bumpy.


This paint will stop any more rust from coming through. Makes it worth the extra money that you spend in the paint finish.


Here is the freshly painted chair, next to one who is next in line for a makeover.
Can you believe the difference?


The one on the right looks brand spanking new! I LOVE it!


I can’t wait to finish up these bad boys.
I just need to decide if they will be going on the patio,
or if they will  make their way to the dining room.


What do you think?
Worth the wait? I think so.
And at a price so unbelievable, it had to be true!
Thanks for stopping by!