My Halloween Front Porch

Hi there!

Okay, it is time to get this rolling. I have projects and photos that I have to post and be seen. When you don’t know where to start, just jump and take a leap and start!

Today, I have a look for you of my front porch decorated for Halloween.

I love decorating my porch for all holidays, but Halloween is a favorite!

I think having a layered look of everyday items mixed with decorations from the Dollar store is so fun.

Yard sale candle sticks painted black, painted cheese boxes, metal lanterns and buckets. All of these items can be used over and over again for many different looks.

A large potted live Mum with decorative corn stalks, they have such pretty colors and texture. While the faux flowers in the white metal buckets, add an extra deep purple color.

A Dollar store Crow, DIY poison bottles I made, and thrift store wine glasses painted black.

The DIY poison bottles were a simple project. Place a decal put on a clean bottle, then wash in metallic craft paint. The skull and cross bones is an image I printed from the internet and glued to the bottles with plain white glue. In the back you can see more spray painted glass- a silver wine glass, and a black thrift store vase.

I left the lanterns dirty, it adds to the Halloween texture. So easy, anyone could do it! Not clean that is!

I collected the brass candle sticks at garage sales, and painted them flat black. I find that Dollar store candles drip the best when lit. I love the drippy candle wax look, so creepy and spooky!

A grapevine wreath painted flat black, with a raffia bow. I love the gray cheese cloth layered over the shutters. They really add to the spooky haunted house feel I was going for.

More cheese cloth layered on the front door, with a Happy Halloween banner- that I got on super clearance. I love a good deal!

A velvet spider on more cheese cloth and a burlap banner from Target. I didn’t care for the bright orange triangle, so I took a black sharpie to shade over it and tone down the brightness.

A DIY house sign I made. I saw a similar one on Pinterest, and had to make one of my own! It was super easy, and quick. And yes, that is a real moth on the porch light! Just another layer of the spookiness.

The skeleton hands are salad tongs from the Dollar store, just placed into pots of mums. I use these galvanize metal buckets over and over again. I just love the look of galvanized metal. It screams worn and loved to me!

You have to have a Rat on a Halloween porch, right? The silver barrel I got at an estate sale, it was already painted when I got it. It was meant to be mine!


Another DIY project I found/ stole from Pinterest. I took Dollar store bugs, glued them to a picture frame, and then painted the whole thing with flat black spray paint. I went through a lot of flat black spray paint!


A spooky, but not too scary Halloween Porch!

I love decorating my Front Porch.

Do you decorate the outside of your house for the holidays?

Over the next few posts, I will be showing you how I decorate the porch for different holidays and seasons.

Thanks for stopping by!
