Dining Table on the Patio

This will be just a itty-bitty post today. Just a few photos to show you. I thought I had taken more, but not so. Today it rained super hard, and everything looks a bit dis-sheveled. I don’t want to show you that, so here is a little peek at another corner on the Patio. Only two more after this one 😉 Here is the before shot of the dining table above. A bit dirty, a bit rusty. Where can it go from here?

I love garage sales and thrift stores. Almost everything in this little space came from one or the other. The table and four chairs came from a garage sale, $40. When I got them they were yellow. I had painted them with silver spray paint. Since we have moved to a new house, I decided that I needed a change this time around. Light gray for the chairs and dark turquoise for the table. I love paint. So easy to give something a new look.

The placemats I got at a thrift store, 50 cents each. They were dirty, but nothing a spray with the hose won’t clean. The cream candle holders came from a garage sale. A cute couple moving out of an apartment to move across country for a new job. $2 for all three holders. The black polka-dot bucket is from the dollar spot at Target. It is holding some bug spray. 

The cushions on the chairs were $3 each at a thrift store. They are from Crate and Barrel and I got five of them, yes, I only need four. But you never know when you might need a replacement. At $3 I can afford to get an extra. I really like the stripes with all the colors.

The umbrella is new, I got it at Lowes. Only $40, not cheap, not expensive. I love all the colors. Red, blue, green, turquoise, and white. Don’t forget Color is the theme for the patio.
In the background you can see the fire pit sitting area. But that is another posting, for another day.