Thanksgiving Table

Hi There!
Yes, Thanksgiving was last month. And Yes, a real Blogger would have posted her table two weeks prior to the holiday, instead of two weeks after.
Just remember the name of my blog…… 😉
Here it is the day of Thanksgiving. All cleaned up and pretty.
In this posting you can also see a few updates I have made to the dining room.
I painted all the chairs this lovely shade of Gray.
I also made new curtains, which you can’t see very well.
 I will leave that for another posting, on another day.


The tablecloth was a thrift store find this summer, I think it was $6. The napkins were also from the thrift store, 25 cents each. As well as the glasses, $2 for all four.
I love the blues of the napkins and glasses. They really bring out the blue in the tablecloth.


I am not much for center pieces, so I went with a plate and candles.
And Yes, I know they are a bit off- center. 😉


I love these plates! They came in a set from Target. We also have the bowls and salad plates. But they were not needed for this meal.
The paisley matches the tablecloth so well. And they have a bit of blue in the pattern too.


The silverware  also came from Target many years ago. They are so awesome! They look fancy, but you can put them in the dishwasher! I love that!


It was just the four of us for Thanksgiving. Which was perfect, we had a nice quiet meal, and watched Charlie Brown. I love simple days with my boyfriend and my kids.
Thanks for stopping by!