$100 Room Challenge- The Boy’s Bedroom

We’re working on a bit of a Bedroom Refresh for my Son- also known as the Boy. This project is part of a blogger challenge that I’m doing with 30+ other bloggers. It’s the $100 Room Challenge hosted by the lovely Erin of lemonslavenderandlaundry.com What’s the $100 Room Challenge? The rules are simple: One Room. One Month. $100. You can read about how Erin started this challenge in her own home here.

What have you missed?

If you missed my last post on the Boy’s Bedroom- you can check it out below:

You can see all of the Ugly before photos and get the basic plan of where we are going with the Boy’s Bedroom. Check out our inspiration board over on Pinterest$100 Boy’s Room Makeover


Where are we now?

There is a lot that has happened in the Boy’s Bedroom, but the only thing that we have to show you this week is paint on the walls. It’s just amazing what a couple of coats of paint can do.

The first thing that happened was that we cleaned everything out of the room. I don’t think that the Boy’s Bedroom had really been cleaned since we moved in. Just doing that was a huge step in making over his room.

You have got to look for the deals when on a budget!

We were planning on a medium Gray color, and a real bonus to the budget came in the form of a miss-tint can at the hardware store. I always check out the miss-tints when we go and this time I got a premium can of paint for only $9! This would have cost us at full price around $25 to $32. I like the miss-tint price so much better- Thank you very much!

The Gray color was the perfect background color for the look that we’re going for in the room. It really makes all of the other dark colors we have Pop! The Carmel wood tones, the Blacks and Grays, and even the different Blues of the denim take center stage against this color.

Masculine Artwork:

We hung up a set of four Star Wars vehicle engineer prints. I found these on Etsy a couple of Christmases ago for the Boy. He really likes them and decided that it was time we hung them. I like that they are Star Wars- but not in anyway a childish decor item. With simple black plastic frames from Ikea and cardstock for the mats, they look very sophisticated. These were purchased before the challenge, so not included in our budget. But the cost of these four prints, the cardstock, and frames was under $50. Still, a very affordable design item that anyone can do.

I really like how Gold the wood floors look with the room painted.

The furniture layout will remain the same:

The Boy has expressed that he would like the furniture layout to not change. With it being such a small room that is only 8 feet x 12 feet, with three doors and a window. It would be kinda hard to come up with another configuration. I guess I can let him make some of the decisions 😉

What to do with that big empty wall?

We are working on collecting items for the gallery wall to go on this wall above the bed. We should be able to share some progress on that next week. Many of the items we had, a couple are DIYs, and a couple have been bought. It will have a nice collected over time feel that a good gallery wall should have.

We are currently working on the backing for the bookcase. I am pretty excited to show what we came up with next week. I hope you come back to check it out!

That rug…

I am not a fan of this rug. It’s kinda a weird blue/ green/ gray color and it’s a shag. Not my favorite. The Boy, on the other hand, loves it! Our two little chihuahua dogs love it too. They love to stretch out on it and roll on it. The Boy wanted to keep the rug and I complied. But here’s the thing, now that we have painted the walls this medium Gray color- the weird color of the rug now makes sense! It matches the walls and looks like it belongs.

There you go! A quick update on how we’re doing on our $100 Room Challenge. But be sure and check out all of the other bloggers and where they’re at in their own makeovers below in the link up.


4 thoughts on “$100 Room Challenge- The Boy’s Bedroom

  1. It looks great. How old is “the boy”? Sounds like he is a little bit older, making design choices. You are raising him right! LOL. Can’t wait to see how the room turns out. I never got the opportunity to decorate a boys room, I am two girls!

    1. Thanks so much, Wendy. The Boy is 22 years old and has a strong voice for what he wants and likes. We’re having a good time making over his room. I have a Girl too, but she’s making over her own room. She won’t let me do it anymore. It was fun when she was young though.

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